At Broomwood, we are a culturally diverse school and so aim to instil a love of language learning and an awareness of other cultures. We considered the language speaking expertise of the staff within our school when choosing which language to teach. Our children are most likely to go on holiday to Spain and so we want pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in Spanish for practical purposes, using both written and spoken Spanish. Through the Kapow Primary Spanish scheme of work, we aim to give pupils a foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills to other languages, facilitates further language study and opens future opportunities to study and work abroad.
We provide a Spanish curriculum that is designed to ensure that children are taught the key substantive knowledge in a sequential and progressive manner. This regular revisiting of Spanish vocabulary, grammar and phonics allows our children to build schema from simple networks into more complex structures. Disciplinary knowledge of language comprehension (listening and reading) and language production (speaking and writing) is also embedded within the curriculum to guarantee the transition of the Spanish language into long-term memory.
Our intention is that topics taught contribute to a subject-specific schema. This is split into three knowledge strands or ‘pillars’; phonics, vocabulary and grammar which children will then draw upon when comprehending and producing language. In addition to this, cultural awareness units are taught in each year group to build their knowledge and understanding of the world.
Curriculum Coverage
To ensure there is the correct coverage of the key three knowledge strands or ‘pillars’ we follow our Curriculum Coverage document. This makes sure that key knowledge is taught within the correct order and that all children have access to the Spanish phonics, vocabulary and grammar our curriculum sets down.
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
All about me |
Daily life |
Spain and other Spanish speaking countries |
Year 3 |
Spanish greetings with puppets |
Spanish numbers and ages |
Shape and colours in Spanish |
Classroom objects in Spanish |
Where do you live in Spain? |
Journey around Latin America |
Year 4 |
Dates in Spanish |
Pets in Spanish |
Weather in Spain |
In a Spanish Café |
Spanish celebrations |
The Amazon rainforest |
Year 5 |
Describing family and friends in Spanish |
Spanish portraits |
Sports in Spanish |
Spanish food and drink |
A trip across Spain |
Saving South America |
Year 6 |
Clothes in Spanish |
School life in Spanish |
Household tasks in Spanish |
Shopping in Spain |
Free time in Spain |
Maya City treasure hunt |
Cross-Curricular Links
Cross-curricular links are made naturally with ‘During the Week’ activities after each lesson where relevant and appropriate.
Progression of Learning
We intend for students to make progress by remembering more and knowing more as they develop across the school. We intend to sequence topics so as to build on prior knowledge.
Through Kapow Primary’s Spanish scheme, pupils are given opportunities to communicate for practical purposes around familiar subjects and routines. The scheme provides balanced opportunities for communication in both spoken and written Spanish. Pupils first develop confidence and accuracy with oral skills then increasingly apply their knowledge to extended reading and writing as they progress through Key stage 2.
Spiral Curriculum
The Kapow Primary’s Spanish scheme is a spiral curriculum, with key skills, grammar and vocabulary revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Cross-curricular links are included throughout our Spanish units, allowing children to make connections and apply their language skills to other areas of their learning.
KS2 Lesson Structure
At Broomwood Primary we are very lucky to have one of our teaching assistants, Mrs Brown, who speaks Spanish. Each week the classes in Key Stage Two will have Mrs Brown in class to support the teacher's in delivering their Spanish lessons. Teachers use Kapow lessons to incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work including role-play, language games and language detective work. The scheme of work focuses on developing ‘language detective skills’ and developing an understanding of Spanish grammar, rather than committing to memory vast amounts of Spanish vocabulary.
For each unit, Kapow provides knowledge organisers with key vocabulary and knowledge mats. The key vocabulary from the Knowledge Organisers will be displayed in classrooms and updated for each unit and the knowledge mats will be stuck in the Knowledge Organisers.
Each lesson on Kapow is split into 5 sections:
- Recap/Recall
- Attention Grabber
- Main Event
- Wrapping Up
- During the week
These 5 sections will become the basis of Spanish teaching throughout the week as outlined below. The MFLA will teach Spanish to each KS2 class for 30 minutes every Wednesday following the Kapow scheme. The rest of the week is made up of short bursts of around 5 minutes with the class teacher. This will involve either preparing the children for their upcoming Spanish lesson (‘Recap & Recall’) or consolidating knowledge afterwards (‘During the Week’ activity)
KS2 Weekly Overview
Day |
Activity |
Staff |
Monday |
Recap/Recall for upcoming MFLA lesson |
Class Teacher |
Tuesday |
Recap/Recall for upcoming MFLA lesson |
Class Teacher |
Wednesday |
30 min Spanish lesson with MFLA
MFLA (Oct – May) Class Teacher (Sept, June, July) |
Thursday |
‘During the Week’ activity from Kapow following MFLA lesson |
Class Teacher |
Friday |
‘During the Week’ activity from Kapow following MFLA lesson |
Class Teacher |
KS1 and EYFS Spanish
For children in KS1, teachers will incorporate the language naturally into the school week as a way of introducing some basic Spanish to the children. Teachers will drop in greetings (hello, goodbye, good morning, good afternoon) throughout the day and may use some numbers. Reception children will be introduced to ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’.
Spanish Books and Assessment
Each child in KS2 has a Spanish book which will show at least one piece of evidence of the four key skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Additional worksheets may be added if completed in a lesson.
Each term, teachers will carry out an end of term assessment from Kapow which will be stuck in the children’s Spanish books which will inform part of their assessment.
Culture and Events
Children will explore the diverse cultures of Spain and the Spanish-speaking world throughout the year with specific units on culture taught in Summer 2. Throughout the year, children will explore exciting aspects of tradition and heritage, such as:
● Discovering the geography of Spain and South America.
● Understanding key festivals and celebrations.
● Gaining awareness of Spanish art and architecture.
● Appreciating traditional games, songs and dance.
● Comparing mealtimes and enjoying typical foods.
● Considering the legacy of ancient civilisations e.g. the Maya.
● Examining the impact of global issues such as climate change.
These contexts not only offer the children a range of possibilities for cross-curricular learning, but also reinforce the key role that language learning can play in developing pupils’ cultural capital.
Throughout the year, key festivals and events will be explored either in class or in school assemblies.
Calendar of Key Events
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
European Day of Languages (26th September) |
Day of the Dead
Christmas Traditions |
Epiphany |
Easter - Carnival |
Spanish Day |
After the implementation of Spanish at Broomwood Primary, pupils should leave school equipped with a range of language-learning skills to enable them to study Spanish, or any other language, with confidence at Key stage 3. Children will:
● Be able to engage in purposeful dialogue in practical situations (e.g. ordering in a cafe,
following directions) and express an opinion.
● Make increasingly accurate attempts to read unfamiliar words, phrases and short texts.
● Speak and read aloud with confidence and accuracy in pronunciation.
● Demonstrate understanding of spoken language by listening and responding appropriately.
● Use a bilingual dictionary to support their language learning.
● Be able to identify word classes in a sentence and apply grammatical rules they have learnt.
● Have developed an awareness of cognates and near-cognates and be able to use them, and
other language detective skills, to tackle unfamiliar words in Spanish, English and other
● Be able to construct short texts on familiar topics.
● Meet the end of Key stage 2 stage expectations outlined in the national curriculum for
● Develop a greater awareness of the wider world and an appreciation for the role of language
learning in promoting cross-cultural understanding.
Teachers use AfL assessment models during the lessons to check understanding. At the end of each unit, the children will complete a short assessment or quiz for teachers to track and evidence progress in Spanish.