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Year 3SW

Welcome to Year 3SW Class Page, the place for you to find out all the amazing things that have and will be happening in your class this year.

So click on each of the headings to find out more information about the given topics.

Your Class Teachers

This year your class teacher is Mr Walker.

We have three teaching assistants in our class:

Mrs Powell (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)

Mrs Hughes (Tuesdays)

Mrs Fowles (Thursdays and Fridays)



PE will take place every Tuesday and Friday, when you will complete boxing and cricket lessons.

For PE sessions please bring the following:

- Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms

- White t-shirt or polo shirt

- Black pumps or trainers

It is usually best to leave your child's PE kit at school for the half-term so that it is always available to use.


It is important that your child brings their reading book into school each day as the days on which they will be able to read with an adult may change from time to time. It is also crucial that you listen to your child read each evening and ensure that you sign their reading record highlighting what they have read and how they performed.

Within this class children are given time every day where they can complete a quiz on accelerated reader and change their book.


Homework will be set on a Tuesday through our online learning platform, SeeSaw. A link for which is placed below:

All homework should be completed by the following Monday and will be checked by your teacher on this day. Please make sure that if you are having difficulties with the homework, that you contact your class teacher with plenty of time so that they can assist your child in its completion. In addition, the school also run a homework club which can really help support those children that struggle completing their tasks independently.



As writers we are:

  • Using persuasive language such as alliteration and repetition
  • Writing in a logical order
  • Using 2nd person or 3rd person to talk directly to the reader
  • Selecting organisational features for example an opening statement and subheadings

As mathematicians, we will:

  • Read the time on a digital clock
  • Use a.m. and p.m. correctly
  • Learn about years, months and days
  • Convert between days and hours
  • Calculate durations in hours and minutes
  • Solve problems with time
  • Interpret and draw pictograms
  • Interpret and draw bar charts
  • Collect and represent data
  • Read two-way tables

As Geographers, we will:

  • Learn and locate the 12 countries and two territories in South America
  • Know rain forests are found within the lines of Latitude and longitude 23.5°N (the Tropic of Cancer) and 23.5°S (the Tropic of Capricorn)—the tropics and locate on a world atlas.
  • Know the Amazon Rain Forest is the largest in the world
  • Follow and annotate a map trail
  • Find out about the climate of the Amazon Rainforest and compare it to Manchester
  • Identify and name the four layers of the rainforest and recognise what grows/lives within them
  • Know the Yanomami tribe live in the Amazon
  • Be able to talk about the types of settlement the Yanomami Tribe inhabit
  • Know about the impact of deforestation on the immediate environment of the Rainforest

As scientists we are:

  • Defining the term ‘rock’.
  • Describing the appearance of different rocks; identifying both crystals and grains.
  • Grouping rocks by their absorbency, hardness and reaction to acid rain (vinegar).
  • Listing the different factors that break down rocks.
  • Describing fossil formation and identifying fossils in rocks.
  • Describing the work of a palaeontologist.
  • Naming, describing and comparing some different categories of soil.
  • Listing some of the benefits of earthworms to the soil.4
  • Identifying and describing the comparative size and weight of the layers in a sedimentation jar.

As Artists, we will:

  • Learn about the artist Henri Rousseau
  • Experiment with a range of collage techniques such as overlapping, tearing and laying to create images and represent textures
  • Use collage as a means of collecting ideas and information and building a visual vocabulary
  • Creates collages using overlapping and layering
  • Experiment with creating mood, feeling, movement and areas of interest by selecting appropriate materials and learnt techniques

As computer technicians we are:

  • Logging in and out of email.
  • Sending a simple email with a subject plus ‘To’ and ‘From’ in the body of the text.
  • Editing an email.
  • Typing in the email address correctly and sending the email.
  • Adding an attachment to an email.
  • Writing an email using positive language, with an awareness of how it will make the recipient feel.
  • Recognising unkind behaviour online and knowing how to report it.
  • Offering advice to victims of cyberbullying. 
  • Recognising when an email may be fake and explaining how we know.

As musicians we will:

  • Identify structure and texture in music.
  • Use body percussion.
  • Create musical rhythms using body percussion.
  • Create simple tunes.
  • Build and improvise a composition.

As Linguists we will:

  • Locate and name the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America on maps
  • Ask the question ¿Adónde vas? – Where are you going?
  • Ask the question ¿Cómo vas? – How are you going?
  • Identify, say and begin to write several types of transport in Spanish
  • Repeat each of the seven days of the week in Spanish with accuracy
  • Write a travel diary
  • Use generally accurate pronunciation when speaking aloud.

As learners of RE we will be exploring the Big Question:

  • How and why do people try to make the world a better place?

We will:

  • find out about how Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and non-religious people try to care for the world.
  • consider what motivates people from these worldviews to care for the world, basing knowledge on scripture and religious teachings.
  • consider why the world is not always good and make simple links to religious (e.g Christian, Jewish, Muslim) and non-religious (e.g Humanist) worldviews.
  • Find out about the Jewish idea of Tikkun Olam and consider how charities like Tzedek help Jewish people to live out ideas and teachings, considering diversity of views.
  • have opportunities to raise our own questions about caring for the world and consider the responsibility that everyone must care for the world.

As learners of PSHE we will be learning about:

  • Valuing Difference
  • Feelings and Emotions
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Online Safety