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Our approach to managing behaviour is underpinned by the development of authentic relationships and unconditional positive regard for all. It is our intent that all children are able to get to a place where they can intrinsically make appropriate choices. We have high expectations of behaviour and recognise that behaviour may be a form of communication and the expression of some form of underlying need.

At Broomwood Primary School we implement the following relational inclusion guiding principles to support children in managing their behaviour within school.

  • We believe that a child would do better if they could.
  • That behaviour is supported and managed effectively through relationships.
  • We accept all emotions but not behaviours.
  • We identify and address the cause, not the symptoms.
  • We foster a culture of compassion and repair.

The Governing Body

Statement of Behaviour Principles

The overriding principle for the governing body is that appropriate behaviour in school is essential to ensure that all pupils can benefit from the opportunities provided by education. The Governing Body believes that high standards of behaviour must underpin every aspect of this school’s work. They know that appropriate behaviour enables all pupils to benefit from a high quality of education without interruption or disruption. Appropriate behaviour ensures that all pupils thrive, make good progress and enjoy school.

To promote appropriate standards of behaviour the governing body has put into place a relatinal inclusion policy that sets the expectation for the behaviour of all in school.

The relational inclusion policy is based on the following principles:

  • All pupils and staff have the right to feel and be safe in school.
  • Mutual respect will be the basis for all behaviour and relationships.
  • There will be no discriminatory behaviour and the statutory rights of minority groups that have been established in the Equality Act 2010 will be upheld at all times.
  • Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths and cultures and lifestyles will underpin the good behaviour that is expected of all.
  • Parents and carers will be expected to support the school’s relational inclusion policy.
  • The expected standards of behaviour will be shared with and explained to all pupils.
  • The relational inclusion policy will be consistently applied by all staff and regularly monitored for its effectiveness.
  • Appropriate behaviour will be commended and rewarded. Children will be supported to 'repair' when they have been unable to show appropriate behaviour.
  • Appropriate behaviour will underpin the ethos of this school, making it a happy and safe place which pupils and staff enjoy attending.

The governing body delegates the implementation of the relational inclusion policy to the headteacher and staff and it fully supports them as they apply the principles of that policy in the day to day running of the school.


At Broomwood Primary School we want all members of our school community to understand what appropriate behaviour looks like in our school. Our core values- Togetherness, Respect, Welcoming, Commitment and Nurturing underpin our behaviour curriculum. We expect teachers to explain and model the appropriate behaviour and routines that we want in order that children understand what appropriate behaviour looks like.

Our intention is that our core values are followed by all children. We do, however, recognise that some children will find this difficult. Our intention is that we support all children from their starting point and that we put effective intervention into place to support all children in getting to a point where they can regulate their emotions effectively and can succeed in achieving their best educational outcomes.

We are an inclusive school and, therefore, we recognise that an overly compliant behaviourist approach is not appropriate for all pupils. At Broomwood, we have adopted a combination of behavioural and relational approaches. This ensures that our approach to behaviour is inclusive to all children. Relational Inclusion blends current evidence-informed thinking and approaches around cognition, meta cognition and self-regulation and how they are compromised by Adverse Childhood Experiences; Adverse Community Environments; Trauma and Attachment. We know that these factors affect executive functioning, relationships, mental health, well-being and educational outcomes and, therefore, we have developed an approach to mitigate the negative effects on learning.

Our intention is that we support children to show the following appropriate behaviours in school:


We want pupils to:

  • Value the education of all
  • Support the learning of others
  • Work collaboratively with all members of the class and the school community
  • Be a good citizen and speak out if you see something that is not right


We want pupils to:

  • Be considerate and listen to others
  • Look after and take care of school property
  • Raise their hand when asking and answering questions/sharing ideas
  • During independent and or focused learning, remain in their seat and ask for permission before moving around the classroom
  • Show good listening behaviours (good looking, listening and taking turns)


We want pupils to:

  • Be polite to all members of the school community (saying please, thank you and holding doors)
  • Ensure that nobody is left out


We want pupils to

Move through all areas of school silently

  • Line up in the classroom and at the end of break silently
  • Line up at lunchtime and at the start of the day quietly and sensibly
  • Take ownership of equipment and resources
  • Be actively engaged in all lessons
  • Wear uniform with pride and wear the correct uniform ( tuck in t-shirts in, cover earrings,  have PE kit)
  • Embrace individuality and accept cultural and religious beliefs
  • Be an advocate for Broomwood values in the community and online


We want pupils to:

  • Show kindness through words and actions
  • Accepting mistakes and consequences (being the best version of yourself)
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself
  • Use language that is positive and supportive to others


  • At Broomwood we implement rewards as we believe that children within our school community respond well to this, in addition to regular verbal praise. We recognise that children also at times find it difficult to implement appropriate behaviour and therefore may need some support for this. We never shame children. When they are not showing appropriate behaviour, we have a structure in place to support them in reflecting over their behaviour and getting back to a place where they are regulated and ready to learn. 
  • We implement the following rewards: completed sticker chart equates to a prize, 30 marbles in a jar equates to a class treat, post cards home and star of the week reflects individual achievements.
  • Within each classroom, there is a values area with the following zone board colours. The children move up the board when they have shown evidence of a particular core value.

  • If children display behaviour which is not in line with our core values, it is addressed through a restorative approach. We focus on consequences, rather than punishments, to repair damage and build strategies. We carry this out through 'Time in' or 'Time with'.

  • There is a reset box within every classroom and in most there is a designated area. Reset within the classroom is used to give a child the chance to have some space and get into a place where learning can be accessed as soon as possible. The following activities may be used by a child. 

  • 'Time with' begins with a key stage leader. The key stage leader will enable the child to reflect on their behaviour, and they will agree some targets together when returning to class. 'Time with' may also be with a senior leader where further action needs to be taken, and the children have shown what we class as 'red' behaviour. The inappropriate behaviour shown will be dealt with in accordance with the school's policy and will be recorded on CPOMs.
  • Senior leaders record examples of inappropriate behaviour so that an analysis can be collated. This supports the strategic focus of how to improve behaviour further. 
  • We implement individual strategies for children that require more support with regulation. The strategies are tailored towards the individual pupil but may include the following: Forest school, sensory circuits, regular check-ins. Some children have a specific individual inclusion plan that supports their ongoing behaviour throughout the school day.
  • By understanding the effects that a poor attachment or a traumatic event can have on a child's behaviour, we actively teach regulation in our school through direct teaching and through the ethos and values we uphold in our relational inclusion approach. We teach this at an emotional level, in three steps. 1. We provide a safe environment for our children 2. We support children with co-regulation 3. We aim for self-regulation.
  • Within school, we provide ways for children to communicate about their emotional wellbeing. Within the classroom environment there is a wellbeing scale chart and a worry monster where the children can indicate any concerns. Teachers ensure that these are acted on in a timely way.
  • We ensure that children are aware of key individuals in school through a 'helping hand' where they select individuals that they will speak to about any specific concerns.
  • Within our general curriculum, we teach about what bullying is through assemblies, PSHE, our computing curriculum and through specific events like anti-bullying week. By understanding what bullying is, children know when they should ask for help. Through the curriculum, they are taught what they should do if bullying happens to them. 


  • Staff within school recognise that behaviour is a form of communication and they recognise the importance of effective relationships with children in their class.
  • Children within the school know and implement the school core values.
  • The management of behaviour enables a child to 'repair' what they have done wrong and support is given to support a child in getting to a place where they intrinsically behave in an appropriate manner.
  • Children within the school know the different types of bullying and they know how to report things.
  • Bullying incidents are dealt with effectively and they are reduced in number.
  • Children know how to regulate their own emotions.
  • Children who struggle to manage their emotions are effectively supported so that they can meet their intended educational outcomes.
  • Behaviour is effectively managed within school so that all pupils can meet their intended educational outcomes.
  • Suspensions and exclusions are limited within the school.