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At Broomwood Primary School, all children will take part in PE lessons, building knowledge and skills in a broad range of sports and activities. They will develop physically and mentally to become active and resilient learners. Children will be inspired to lead a healthy and active lifestyle and develop a life-long love of sport.


It is our intention that throughout their time at Broomwood, they will achieve the following required aims:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Are inspired to lead active and healthy lifestyles by developing a life-long love of physical activity. 

Topics are taught to contribute to the 6 key areas of PE learning. We intend for our students to develop their substantive knowledge across our 6 key areas: invasion games, net & wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor & adventure. 

We have a year-long overview to map out the key areas...


We also ensure that throughout each of the 6 Key Areas of learning there is a Progression of Skill across the school. This is set down in our Progression of Skills document...

We also recognise how important Key Vocabulary is when linked to the Progression of Skills within PE. Therefore, we have also set down the Progression of Vocabulary in the document below...



  • At Broomwood Primary school, all children are provided with 2 hours of high quality Physical Education per week, regardless of the weather or other external factors.
  • A range of sporting activities are taught, including: invasion games, net & wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor & adventure.
  • Through using Primary PE Passport, a broad range of sports and activities will be planned for all pupils.
  • Short-term and long-term planning ensure that skills and knowledge are developed across units of work and yearly groups.
  • In PE lessons, technology is used to introduce new skills through examples of elite performance.
  • A range of fun warm-ups are used to prepare pupils for the lesson.
  • Specific skills are modelled and developed through a range of activities and pupils are given the opportunity to apply the skills in competitive games.
  • Through an intra-school competition, pupils have the opportunity to apply their skills in competition against their parallel year group class at the end of each unit of work.
  • Formative and summative assessments are used to monitor pupils' progress and identify any gaps in their skills or knowledge.
  • Following the publication of 'Childhood obesity: a plan for action' by the Department of Health' we ensure 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity is provided for all pupils. We achieve this through active lessons, activities at break times, extracurricular clubs and a mile run at least 3 times every two weeks.
  • Children in Year 4 swim once a week for 10 weeks during the Spring Term. 
  • Pupils have the opportunity to represent the school in a range of sports, competing in Intra-school competitions. Links are also made with local clubs to provide pathways into sports clubs for gifted and talented pupils.


Our PE curriculum enables children to develop the skills and knowledge they will need to lead a healthy and active life. Through engaging lessons, they will be inspired to continue to be active and try new sports and activities in later life. Pupils will be able to confidently take part and compete in a range of sports and will be able to competently swim at least 25 metres.

Through our curriculum and implementation, we ensure that:

  • All children are accessing the substantive knowledge taught and, where necessary, reasonable adjustments are used to support access to this.
  • Children are assessed on a unit by unit basis. Both self-assessment and teacher assessments can be found in the back of topic books with supporting visual evidence.
  • Where children are struggling to consolidate substantive knowledge, a graduated approach is implemented for all. The substantive and disciplinary knowledge is taught at the correct level. However, tasks and equipment used may be adapted.
  • Children will have an end of year summative assessment which will be used to inform progression made across specific years.
  • By the end of Year 6, all children from Broomwood Primary School are inspired to continue activities and try new sports in later life. In addition, children will be able to competently swim at least 25 metres.
  • Through intra-school competitions, children get to apply their PE skills in different contexts, allowing them to see and experience physical activity outside of school.
  • Through monitoring of topic books, analysis of the progression of substantive knowledge can be tracked. This close monitoring ensures that effective support can be directed as and when required, meaning all children can progress well.