Year 2BC
Welcome to Year 2BC Class Page, the place for you to find out all the amazing things that have and will be happening in your class this year.
So click on each of the headings to find out more information about the given topics.
Your Class Teachers
This year you are lucky enough to have two different teachers and two teaching assistants within your class.
Mrs Bramwell - Class teacher on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs Chappels - Class teacher on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Fowles - Teaching assistant.
Mrs Warren - Teaching assistant.
PE will take place every Monday and Thursday, when you will complete dance and invasion games.
For PE sessions please bring the following:
- Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
- White t-shirt or polo shirt
- Black pumps or trainers
It is usually best to leave your child's PE kit in school for the half-term so that it is always available to use.
It is important that your child brings their reading book into school each day as the days on which they will be able to read with an adult may change from time to time. It is also crucial that you listen to your child read each evening and ensure that you sign their reading record highlighting what they have read and how they performed.
Children's Book Bag Books will be changed when needed by their Read Write Inc teacher and they will be taken to their RWI classes daily.
Homework will be set on a Tuesday through our online learning platform, SeeSaw. A link for which is placed below:
All homework should be completed by the following Monday and will be checked by your teacher on this day. Please make sure that if you are having difficulties with the homework, that you contact your class teacher with plenty of time so that they can assist your child in its completion. In addition, the school also run a homework club which can really help support those children that struggle completing their tasks independently.
Topic - Superheroes
As mathematicians, we will learn:
- How to name 3D shapes and describe them using their properties.
- How to sort 3D shapes.
- What odd and even numbers are
- How to multiply numbers by 2, 5 and 10.
- How to divide numbers by 2, 5 and 10.
As writers, we will:
- Read The Dragon Machine.
- Use the text as a stimulus to write an adventure story, letters, instructions, character descriptions and warning posters.
- Write sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command
- Use subordination (apply because, introduce when)
- Use present and past tenses correctly and consistently (some progressive)
- Use punctuation correctly - exclamation marks, question marks
As Scientists we will investigate and explore:
- What conditions do seeds need for growth?
- That seeds and bulbs have what they need within them to grow into a plant.
- What do seeds need to germinate?
- What effect does light have on plant growth?
- What are the stages of a plant life cycle?
- Who is the Scientist Angie Burnett?
As Geographers we will:
-Use maps of the United Kingdom and atlases to identify and locate the countries of the United Kingdom.
-Year 2 will also locate and name the bodies of water which surround the United Kingdom.
-We will name and locate the capital cities of the four countries within the United Kingdom.
-We will find out about some of the wonders of the United Kingdom, both physical and natural geographical features and locate them on a map.
As Historians we will be answering the questions:
- What are superheroes?
- How did Florence Nightingale change nursing forever?
- Who was Mary Seacole?
- How were Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole similar and different?
- How does Rosa Parks help us to understand our core value of – Respect?
- Was Neil Armstrong an explorer?
- How did Emmeline Pankhurst change things for women?
- Which superhero had the most impact?
As Design Technicians we will be:
- Developing our own design brief from a problem given
- Exploring & investigating a range of existing products
- Exploring and use mechanisms
- Selecting from and using a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks
- Designing a superhero vehicle.
- Making a superhero vehicle and evaluate it.
As computer technicians we will:
-Explore a new application independently.
-Explain what the blocks on ScratchJr do and use them for a purpose.
-Recognise a loop in coding and why it is useful.
-Use a code to create an animation of an animal moving.
-Use code to follow and create an algorithm.
-Program code to run ‘on tap’.
-Explain the role of the blocks in a program they have created.
As musicians we will:
-Identify high and low notes.
-Perform high and low notes.
-Create and perform a two-note and three-note pattern.
-Identify and perform changes in tempo.
-Contribute musical ideas and cooperate within a group.
-Prepare and perform a musical piece.
-Demonstrate a musical understanding of tempo and pitch.
-Participate in discussions about pitch and tempo.
-Offer feedback to groups on their performance.
-Follow instructions during a performance.
As students of RE we will be answering the questions:
-What do people think about God?
-What do Muslims think about God?
-What do some of the Muslim 99 Beautiful Names for God mean?
-What does the Shahadah say about Muslim beliefs?
-Who was the Prophet Muhammad and why is he important to Muslims?
-What do Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad was like?
-Why is the Prophet Muhammad so important to Muslims?
-What do Muslims do because they love to treat the Quran with respect?
As students of PSHE we will learn:
-To understand that people and other living things have rights and that everyone has responsibilities to protect those rights
-To understand that children have rights
-To know how to get help in an emergency by dialling 999.
-To learn that you belong to various groups and communities
-To know about the ‘special people’ who work in our community and who are responsible for looking after and protecting us
-To develop the strategies and skills needed to care for our local environment
-To learn about the role money plays in your lives including choices about spending or saving money and what influences those choices
As Artists we will be:
- Learning know about the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh.
- Understanding how to mix colours.
- Designing and making a flower based on Van Gogh’s work ‘Sunflowers’.
- Evaluating our finished artwork.