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Year 5JR

Welcome to Year 5JR Class Page, the place for you to find out all the amazing things that have and will be happening in your class this year.

So click on each of the headings to find out more information about the given topics.

Your Class Teachers

This year you are lucky enough to have 2 different teachers within your class.

Mrs Rowlands - Class Teacher

Mrs Warren - Teaching Assisstant



PE will take place every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, when you will complete some Yoga and Health Related Fitness. 

For PE sessions please bring the following:

- Black shorts, legins or jogging bottoms

- White t-shirt or polo shirt

- Black pumps or trainers

It is usually best to leave your child's PE kit in school for the half-term so that it is always available to use.


It is important that your child brings their reading book into school each day as the days on which they will be able to read with an adult may change from time to time. It is also crucial that you listen to your child read each evening and ensure that you sign their reading record highlighting what they have read and how they performed.

Within this class reading records will be checked and books changed on a Friday.


Homework will be set on a Tuesday through our online learning platform, SeeSaw. A link for which is placed below:

All homework should be completed by the following Monday and will be checked by your teacher on this day. Please make sure that if you are having difficulties with the homework, that you contact your class teacher with plenty of time so that they can assist your child in its completion. In addition, the school also run a homework club which can really help support those children that struggle completing their tasks independently.


Year 5 - Summer Two

Ancient Egyptians

As historians, we will learn:

- when Ancient Egypt was in relation to other civilisations

- what Egyptians believed about life after death

- the role that religion played in the life of Ancient Egyptians and how it is different to religions that we already know about

- what the structure of Ancient Egyptian society was 

- why the Ancient Egyptians were ahead of their time

- what some of the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians were and how this is evident today


A musicians, we will learn:

- to sing with accuracy, control, fluency and expression

- to explore and use different forms of notation

- to understand note length

- to read simple pitch notation

- to use hieroglyphs and stave notation to write a piece of music


As geographers, we will learn:

- to locate Egypt, comparing its location to the United Kingdom and plotting its longitude and latitude


- to describe the climate of Egypt

- why the River Nile is so important to the Egyptian economy as well as its significance to the Ancient Egyptian civilisation

- what powers the Egyptian economy

- why Egypt is such a popular tourist destination

- the positive impacts of tourism as well as how Egypt is developing sustainable tourism 


As designer technicians, when creating an ancient sandal, we will learn:

- that ancient sandals were worn by the wealthy: they were a symbol of somebody's social class

- to use a prototype to ensure designs and patterns are true to size

- to embellish designs using the gilding technique and gold leaf

- to use decorative stitching

- to use the technique of weaving


As computer scientists and technicians, using the software: Sonic Pi, we will:

- create a programme that plays themed music

- plan a soundtrack for a programme

- programme a soundtrack

- programme music for a specific purpose


As children who value our positive relationships, in PSHE, we will learn:

- what racism is

- to compare our lives to those in the developing world

- to understand the importance of protecting our personal information

- to manage requests for images, developing an understanding of the need to gain permission to share images online

- when we are spending too much time on devices


As scientists, we will learn, 

- to describe how humans change from babies through to old age

- to explain the gestation periods of humans and other animals


As children who embrace learning about different religions, in RE, we will learn:

- to consider why people do good and bad things

- what a Humanist is, considering what a Humanist's code for living would be

- where Christian people gather their code of living from

- how we can create peace

- what honesty looks like in every-day life

- how Humanists and Christians know how to act, considering what they base their decisions on 


Ancient Egyptians

As historians, we will learn:

- when Ancient Egypt was in relation to other civilisations

- what Egyptians believed about life after death

- the role that religion played in the life of Ancient Egyptians and how it is different to religions that we already know about

- what the structure of Ancient Egyptian society was 

- why the Ancient Egyptians were ahead of their time

- what some of the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians were and how this is evident today


A musicians, we will learn:

- to sing with accuracy, control, fluency and expression

- to explore and use different forms of notation

- to understand note length

- to read simple pitch notation

- to use hieroglyphs and stave notation to write a piece of music


As geographers, we will learn:

- to locate Egypt, comparing its location to the United Kingdom and plotting its longitude and latitude


- to describe the climate of Egypt

- why the River Nile is so important to the Egyptian economy as well as its significance to the Ancient Egyptian civilisation

- what powers the Egyptian economy

- why Egypt is such a popular tourist destination

- the positive impacts of tourism as well as how Egypt is developing sustainable tourism 


As designer technicians, when creating an ancient sandal, we will learn:

- that ancient sandals were worn by the wealthy: they were a symbol of somebody's social class

- to use a prototype to ensure designs and patterns are true to size

- to embellish designs using the gilding technique and gold leaf

- to use decorative stitching

- to use the technique of weaving


As computer scientists and technicians, using the software: Sonic Pi, we will:

- create a programme that plays themed music

- plan a soundtrack for a programme

- programme a soundtrack

- programme music for a specific purpose


As children who value our positive relationships, in PSHE, we will learn:

- what racism is

- to compare our lives to those in the developing world

- to understand the importance of protecting our personal information

- to manage requests for images, developing an understanding of the need to gain permission to share images online

- when we are spending too much time on devices


As scientists, we will learn, 

- to describe how humans change from babies through to old age

- to explain the gestation periods of humans and other animals


As children who embrace learning about different religions, in RE, we will learn:

- to consider why people do good and bad things

- what a Humanist is, considering what a Humanist's code for living would be

- where Christian people gather their code of living from

- how we can create peace

- what honesty looks like in every-day life

- how Humanists and Christians know how to act, considering what they base their decisions on 


As writers we will:
- Use relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or an omitted
relative pronoun
- Use adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility
- Use a wider range of devices to build cohesion across paragraphs
- Link ideas using tense choices
- Use precise word choices
- Select language to appeal to the reader
- Use a formal tone
- Provide well-developed factual information for the reader
- Manipulate style for specific purpose and audience
- Write an introduction